Sunday, March 24, 2013

So this is Katie...

So for those who really know me, know I'm not a very emotional person. Let me rephrase that, I'm not very emotional when it comes to relationships. I have, on the other hand, been very emotional when I talk to God or I'm expressing His love for me or how I want to grow in Him, but aside from that I'm not very good at expressing how I feel about others. I can sit here and say that's just how I am or I'm this way because this happened in my past, but I choose to believe that I have this issue to draw myself closer to God. I can't change this problem without Him. I say it's a problem because it has caused me to not develop real relationships with people and I'm sure I've missed out on a lot and have never gotten to tell people what they have really meant to me. So I say that all to say, I'm getting better at it. I don't cry and get all emotional, BUT I do let people know now that I love them and that I will miss them which may not seem hard to do to others but it has been hard for me.

Soooo this is Katie...

I could have written her a letter instead of a public blog, but I have found that really putting things out there has helped me to open up more and I think she deserves a lil love for the world to see. This is my lovely friend Katie. She is the wife of Andrew, our former youth pastor and worship leader, and a wonderful friend. Many people love her, but this is why I love her.....

When I first started going to my current church she was the first person to greet PJ and I in our Sunday School class. I remember it like it was yesterday because she was so excited to talk to us and I couldn't help but be happy to be there because of how welcomed she made me feel and honestly that's how she's been since I met her. When Katie asks you a question, she is genuinely interested in what you have to say. She is very easy to talk to and she is someone who I feel tells you what you need to hear and will is able to share her own opinion about something without making you feel yours is dumb lol. One of the absolute things I love about her is when we would have conversations about things, she would always lead things back to God. I appreciate that so much in my life because so many people I know look at solving problems from the world's perspective and she does not. It is wonderful having those people around you because it only helps you to always be reminded that God needs to be involved in all of your life, not just some of it. It's just great to have a friend in your life who really loves The Lord. Besides all of those things, I just know if I really needed something she would help me and I can feel that she genuinely does care about my family. She loves Peanut, as a matter of fact, I'm sure she will miss him more than me lol. Seriously though, she gets so happy to see him and that warms my heart when someone loves your child that much.

Well enough with the sappy stuff hahahaha, hey I did say I was still steps baby steps lol. Here are some fun memories I will have of Katie, oh yeah, did I fail to mention that Katie and her husband and daughter are leaving tomorrow to Seattle and that's what I'm writing this?!!? Oops my bad lol

Anywho some fun memories of Katie

1. For some reason she still thinks she is in sports and continues to pat people on the butt as if you just scored a goal lol

2. Her thinking that I think she would say or do certain things to me because I'm black lol sorry Katie it's me just giving you a hard time, I actually use the phrase "It's because I'm black ain't it" with even my black friends, problem is.......I've haven't been around black people all the time in a while lol

3. Her criticizing a cup of coffee in a commercial that I believe had nothing to do with coffee.

4. I wasn't there when this happen but apparently Katie said at one time, "The smell of that perfume is deafening. " this is just one example of what I like to call "Classic Katie" moments

5. Connected with #3, Katie trying very hard to convince me to try different lattes. I'm sure when we visit you in Seattle, of all places, it will get even worse.

6. Lastly I will say, Katie has the ability to bring back up a subject way after we have stopped talking about it, like no other person I know. You always think she's about to say something profound and then she says..... "So yeah I really don't think you could call that a Mac-n-cheese".....(only a few will get that)

Anyways, Katie I love you and I will miss you and I'm blessed (seriously) to have you as my friend and my sister in Christ. I really hope we can visit you guys in Seattle so you can meet this new lil one and love up on them as well and maybe just maybe, I will try another latte.

Oh by the way, you know that husband I spoke about earlier? This is him. Andrew is my brother from another mother. First off, let me say the message he preached today was awesome awesome (yeah I wrote that twice). When we first met Andrew he was the same way, very welcoming and friendly and I knew he hung around black people once he told me he knows how you're suppose to really make koolaid lol. Andrew loves music and I love anyone that loves music like I do. I am really going to miss him leading us in praise and worship and not just because he likes to jam like myself, but because he is really up there worshipping when he leads us and I love that. This past year PJ and I became youth leaders and at our Sunday nights with the teens Andrew would give a message and I can say that those sermons were not just for the teens, but for me too. He does not sugarcoat things for these kids and he would be very honest and open about his own sin to them and I have to tell you how amazing and encouraging that was and is for me. I wish we had a youth pastor like him when I was growing up. God is really working in his life and it is so awesome to see the passion he has for The Gospel. You can't help but be excited and what to grow in the Word after hearing him talk about the Gospel. Plus, he's actually a pretty cool guy hahahaha. He also loves Peanut and Peanut loves him. I only wish they were staying a lil longer so we could have more jam sessions!! Anyways, Andrew I love you too and I'm very thankful that God placed both you and Katie in our lives at a time when I think we needed it the most. I will miss our book study nights and you telling me you wish you were black lol.

Well I guess I will end there. I just wanted to express my love and gratitude for my peeps, but really I want to thank God for putting people in my life that only make you want to grow deeper in Christ, those are always good friends to have.

I know I will see you guys again, until then.................PEACE OUT!!