Monday, December 10, 2012

Moments of Insanity

Well if anyone knows me, they know I'm a little bit on the crazy side. Okay, maybe not a little. I'm a whole lot of crazy, but it's a good crazy. There's also the insane part of me and that's where Shaun T comes in. For the past 2 years Shaun T has been getting my butt into shape with his crazy workout called Insanity. The workouts are, you guessed it, pretty Insane!! The crazy thing is they are also addicting. Once you do Insanity you want to keep doing it or challenge yourself to something even harder. Well I guess Shaun T knew that was going to happen because he came out with Insanity: The Asylum. It is NUTS!!! The difference between Asylum and regular Insanity is that now weights are involved and you have to work with an agility ladder and resistance loop bands as well as a pull up bar, if you have it. When I first started asylum I was scared, but I like that about workouts. It got me more lean and cut. It's not so much a weight loss program as it is a program to just make you a great athlete. I really liked it and I noticed that it was titled Vol. 1, which could only mean that another one was coming..............and here it is!!!

Yep, volume 2!! I was so hyped about it when I saw a trailer for it, but at the time I was training for a half marathon so I knew I was going to have to wait to do it. I got it in the mail last week and decided to start it this week, but I did do the the tutorials for the agility ladder because I had read that you NEED to do them before the regular workouts. I did the tutorial 3 times and I'm so glad I did because there are so many different moves than what vol. 1 had. So day 1 was not so bad, but the matrix push up routine was ridiculous!! Day 2 was upper elite and it wasn't as bad but that's only because I used lighter weights to get use to the workout. I know once I add heavier weights it is going to be rough. The push ups in that workout are insane as well. When I woke up this morning my back was killing me, like sore is not even the word for how it feels right now.

Today has been the hardest day so far. The workout was called Power Legs and it is titled just right. You are constantly moving and your legs are really burning, especially at the end. I had to stop a lot cause I was out of breath. I'm sure tomorrow my legs will feel like jello. I'm not sure why I challenge myself with these workouts, especially around the busiest time of the year, but at least it will help me keep off those holiday pounds.

You may not want to try these crazy workouts, but I encourage you to be active and stay in shape, it really has helped me feel better about myself and eat better. I mean I may not eat green, but I'm still watching what I eat lol.

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