Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Twin (who was born 3 years after me)

This is my beautiful sister Chelsie and today is her birthday. I can't believe she is 28 years old. She's growing up so fast lol. Chelsie doesn't have any kind of social media page because she believes Facebook is the devil hahahaha. No, really those were her words, but I get what she is saying. So since I can't post this on any age of hers I decided to write a blog post in honor of this wonderful day that she was born 28 years ago. Chelsie is not just my sister, but my best friend. Me and her is like peas and carrots (in my Forrest Gump voice). Even though we were born three years apart, she is like my twin. We laugh at the same stuff, listen to the same kind of music, believe the same things and we are both weird. Weird in a fantastic, out of this world, you wish you could be us way lol. One of the greatest things about our relationship is that we tell it like it is to each other and we don't ever fight. Of course I'm sure we got on each other's nerves as kids but I always remember it never lasted long. Probably one second later we were laughing again and making our family give us strange faces. I talk to her almost every day and some of the greatest conversations are when we call each other just to hear the other person laugh at something we KNOW they will laugh at. Whenever we get together the laughs are non-stop (which reminds of how our older sister would always complain to my mom about us not going to sleep cause we were too busy cracking up about stuff) and again so are the looks from our family members.......they're just jealous they're not as cool as us lol. I love that I can completely be myself around her because for me that's hard to come by. She gets me and I am very thankful for that.

Not only is she a great friend, but a great wife and she is a great Mom!! She is the mother to this beautiful, crazy, hilarious child, Lynnox. When people meet my son, they know he is MY SON and the same goes for Lynnox. She is definitely Chelsie's daughter. I'm very thankful that The Lord has given my niece a mom who loves The Lord and wants her child to know Him for herself. Chelsie and I had our little ones 6 weeks apart and whenever they get together, it's a riot. I wish we lived closer to them because I feel like those two together would be exactly how Chelsie and I are now. Ahhhhh Family, it's the greatest thing!!

Anyways, I just wanted to say to my wonderful sister, I LOVE YOU!! You are and have been a blessing in my life and I'm sure to many others. You have a very loving, kind, and giving spirit. I hope you have a very beautiful birthday and some wonderful GiGi's cupcakes to go with it. I had to post these pictures below because they are hilarious and they make me laugh every time I see them!!

Last, but not least here some of our inside jokes that only we get...

"WOW this is a Master!!"

"Stop eating my Sesame Cake!!"

"I know what t'mean"

"She likes it, she likes the way is feels, she like the..." (I can't stop laughing at this one)

"No, your Mother in Law"

And one of my favorites...

"She's the catalyst"

Oh man and that's not even all of them lol. I hope I see your face soon, love you!!

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